Friday, June 21, 2013

Dictator Lukashenko & His Hypocritical Lies to Reuters

(some comments)

Minsk, Belarus, February 6, 2007

Belarus would like to improve its relations with the West after deterioration of relations with Russia, which had offered "market relations". However, Belarus is indisposed to change of its political system, which had been defined as a condition for partnership demanded by Europe, Aleksandr Lukashenko said in an interview to Reuters (2/06/2007).

The Belarusian dictator believes political demands of the West leading to his dismissal in the long run are inappropriate, however he would try to show himself as a reliable partner for many years, considering his intention to run for the forth term.

Also dictator Lukashenko criticized the West for wooing the opposition in Belarus, saying his foes were outcasts who had failed in government and lived off foreign donations. As we know the European Union and the United States have halted dialogue and slapped visa bans on top Belarusian officials, saying Lukashenko has rigged elections and illegally imprisoned dissenters. And that's exactly what he and his pocket government did if put all the hypocritical rhetoric aside.

The European Union last November demanded that Lukashenko accept 12 conditions before dialogue could resume. These included holding free elections, releasing political prisoners and allowing freedom of expression.

Lukashenko rejected the "unacceptable" pre-conditions, saying Europe should instead learn from Belarus's policies of creating full employment for its people. Probably, all this "full employment" was subsidized by Russian oil? What Lukashenko's pocket government is going to do now in the year 2007?

The Belarusian "president" accepted in the interview that he was "faced with the need to rule in a tough manner" but said this was the only way to achieve results. Probably, Lenin, Stalin & Hitler were also "faced with the need to rule in a tough manner" killing one person in every 2 minute of their rulings?

Asked if he would run in Belarus's next presidential elections in 2011, the president replied: "May God help me to fulfill in these four years everything I promised the people. If I do that and if my health permits and if I remain the same active, businesslike man ... I have no intention of abandoning political activity. Let me be honest about that." And this is the only HONEST statement from the whole interview.

But, please, Dear Lord, do not help this guy to lead Belarus to political & economic starvation, poverty and misery.

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